
Airports National Policy Statement

February 23, 2017

You will no doubt be aware that a draft National Policy Statement entitled “Airports National Policy Statement: new runway capacity and infrastructure at airports in the South East of England” was published on 2 February and is now out to consultation until 25 May. The consultation document and draft NPS are attached.

The NIPA Board agreed on Monday that as with other NPSs we should submit a response, but note that it will relate to clarity and process and not contain comments for or against any particular proposals or designed to help or hinder them.


As usual, then, please let us know if you would like to participate in a working group to work on crafting the response. We will try to arrange a round table event to discuss the draft during the consultation period, and there will additionally be an opportunity for all members to comment on the draft before it goes in.

Please could you let me know if you are interested in participating in the working group by next Tuesday 28 February.
