August 6, 2019

I wanted to highlight to you how NIPA continues to work hard on your behalf to collate and identify best practice in nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP) planning, and to work with Government and regulators to develop fair, reasonable and proportionate legislation and regulation that supports the development of national infrastructure whilst taking into account the needs of host communities and other third parties.

With this in mind NIPA is launching its first Award for best practice and / or innovation in an NSIP Project consented between 1st October 2017 and 30th September 2019. The Award will be given at NIPA’s Annual Dinner on Thursday 21st November 2019. For more information log on to the NIPA website from 1st August 2019.

Since our last Newsletter, there have been several NSIP applications accepted for Examination, and there are currently 59 projects in pre-application and 28 active Development Consent Orders (DCOs), as well as the first Material Amendment application (to the Hinckley new nuclear power station DCO) soon to be submitted.

NIPA also held a well-attended Annual General Meeting on 22nd May 2019, kindly hosted by WSP, with Guest Speaker, the Planning Inspectorate’s Pauleen Lane, and our Annual Conference on 27th June 2019, again at Clifford Chance’s London office.


At the AGM we launched our NIPA Insights II Report focusing on the role of flexibility within the DCO process and beyond, and this was highlighted again at the Conference.

Read our latest Newsletter in full from the Downloads section below.
